The unpredictable work in the vineyard and the perfection of the winemaking process.
A range in which, without losing sight of the origin and where it comes from, it marks a turning point that does not break with the previous ones, but expands it because now it has more tools with which to show what each vineyard contributes and the work and labour that goes into it. From the pioneers who preceded him and who revolutionised the conception of the area, now with the certainty and confirmation that they were ahead of their time, he proposes a range that synthesises and treasures all that knowledge.
Origin and originality
The experience led us to reflect on the dilemma, tradition or modernity, which has always accompanied the DOCa Rioja. And time has given us the answer: it is not necessary to break with tradition, but to coexist, evolve and improve. Classic but modern wines, wines with tradition but personal, wines that harmonise oak and fruit, elegance and character. Rioja Alavesa origin, Belezos originality.
Love and effort
Our passion and desire are reflected year after year in our vineyards, with the same desire, with the same effort. The love for the land, our Rioja Alavesa land, allows us to express the character of our wines with total sincerity, their aroma and flavor. This is how our most special wines are born: Ecological and Garnacha.
One estate, one wine
Wines that are created from the land and thought from the estate itself. We have often wondered whether it was us who chose this land or whether it was the land that chose us. And the best tribute to this terroir is to ensure that each wine expresses the estate where it is born, its soil, its age, its altitude, the sun and the wind.

Bodegas Zugober, S.A.
Tejerías Kalea 13-15,
01306 Lapuebla de Labarca,
Araba, España
Tfno: 945 62 72 28
Our Wines
Origin and originality
The experience led us to reflect on the ongoing dilemma for D.O.Ca Rioja: tradition or modernity. And time has provided the answer. It’s not necessary to break with tradition but to co-exist, to evolve and to improve. Classic wines for our time, wines with tradition but also deeply personal. Wines that offer perfect harmony between cask and fruit, elegance and character. Origin Rioja Alavesa, originality Belezos.
Passion and effort
Our passion and desire are reflected year after year in our vineyards, with the same desire, with the same effort. The love for the land, our Rioja Alavesa land, allows us to express the character of our wines with total sincerity, the aromas and flavors of Organic red and Grenache.
One estate, one wine
Wines that are produced from the same soil, the same terrain and the same vines. We often ask ourselves if we were the ones who chose this land or if it chose us. The best way we can pay homage to this terroir is to ensure that every wine is representative of its individual plot, its estate, the age of its vines, the altitude and the climatic conditions.